When Juniors Visit Campus

Top five questions for juniors to ask when visiting colleges

  1. “What type of student is successful at your college or university?”
  2. “What do your students do for fun?”
  3. “What other schools do students applying to your school typically consider in their college search?”
  4. “What are the top five majors at your college or university?”
  5. “If you could change one thing about your college or university, what would that be?”

Questions to avoid asking while visiting colleges

  1. “Do you have a good program?”  It’s ok to ask an admission officer about a program you’re interested in, but do so in a more constructive fashion.  For example, “Do biology majors get time in the lab?” or “What is the focus of your psychology major?”
  2. “If my Mom went here do I automatically get in?”
  3. “Where are the parties on campus?”  It’s perfectly fine to ask about the social outlets on campus but consider how you phrase a question before asking it.
  4. “What is the lowest GPA I can have to get into your college or University?”  Instead of asking for the lowest GPA consider asking the average or median GPA of last year’s entering class.

3 responses to “When Juniors Visit Campus

  1. Hi,
    I am a junior in high school. When is the best time for me to visit Whitman?

    • whitmanadmission

      You can visit whenever is convenient to you. Many juniors visit during spring break or over summer vacation so that they don’t miss school. Most of you take rigorous courseloads that don’t permit much time for visits during the school year. Visiting in the fall is also an option. In the fall, you might have a better picture of what you’re looking for, and you’ll have an opportunity to stay overnight in the residence halls and attend a class. Some students don’t visit schools until they have been admitted. It all depends on what works best for you and your family.

  2. I am looking forward to hearing more about Whitman when the representatives come to NYC in May. Also, I plan to visit the campus this summer. My cousin (class of 2000) loved his 4 years at Whitman.

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